Patient-Specific Human Embryonic Stem Cells Created by Cloning
The breakthrough might set up another showdown about cloning for therapeutic purposes
Patient-Specific Human Embryonic Stem Cells Created by Cloning
The breakthrough might set up another showdown about cloning for therapeutic purposes
Sci-Fi Science: Attack of the Cabbage Clones
A Saint Patrick's Day project from Science Buddies
Will Cloning Ever Save Endangered Animals?
Right now, cloning is not a viable conservation strategy. But some researchers remain optimistic that it will help threatened species in the future
Immortal Line of Cloned Mice Created
Mice can be cloned via somatic cell nuclear transfer from other mice indefinitely, a new technique suggests. The technique could be used for large-scale production of superior-quality animals for farming or conservation purposes
The dog cloner
Woo Suk Hwang's former collaborator emerges from the shadow of scandal.
Would Your Clone Have Its Own Soul, or Be a Soulless Version of You?
How people think about the "spiritual essences" of doppelgangers
Are We Eating Cloned Meat?
The FDA approved cloned meat as safe for consumption. Has any hit the grocery store shelves yet?
Star Wars: The Clone Wars Animated Film Comes to Theaters
It may have come from George Lucas's imagination, but there's plenty of science to be found in Jedis and droids hopping between planets
The Science of Star Wars: The Clone Wars--Q&A with Author Jeanne Cavelos
How close has science brought us to clone armies squaring off against blaster-wielding droids?
When Clones Attack: Q&A with Clone Wars Director David Filoni
See the softer, more digital side of Jedi Anakin Skywalker in Star Wars: The Clone Wars
Star Wars: The Clone Wars: A Sneak Peek [Slide Show]
Get a first look at Anakin, Obi-Wan and a young Jedi trainee as they prepare to do battle with a new enemy in The Clone Wars
Dolly's Creator Moves Away from Cloning and Embryonic Stem Cells
Like many stem cell pioneers, Ian Wilmut, the creator of Dolly the sheep, has jumped to an alternative approach. Is this the beginning of the end for embryonic cloning?