How to Make Alien Ice
Tricks to produce strange “ordered” ice could reveal new ice forms
How to Make Alien Ice
Tricks to produce strange “ordered” ice could reveal new ice forms
First Comprehensive Plastics Database Tallies Staggering 16,000 Chemicals—And It’s Still Incomplete
A massive new dataset highlights more than 4,200 plastic chemicals linked to health and environmental risks. But scientists say there are still large gaps in the scientific understanding of plastic ingredients
To Make My Chemistry Classes More Welcoming, I Start by Making Students Uncomfortable
Science is becoming more diverse, but to make it more welcoming we need to examine our history and not repeat it
Bouncing Bubbles Boost Boiling
A new surface uses tiny gaps to supercharge bubble formation to transfer heat
Making Chemistry Safer Is Worth the Price Tag
With chemical spills and other accidents a common occurrence, it’s becoming more expensive to maintain the status quo than to make chemistry safer
From Stupor to Sober with One (Hormone) Shot
Injection of a hormone called FGF21 rapidly revives intoxicated mice.
Hair Relaxers Will Be Safer without Formaldehyde, but It’s Just a Start
Banning formaldehyde hair relaxers might help protect Black women’s health, but won’t end the racism that drives their use
Zapping Plastic Waste Can Produce Clean Fuel
Can waste plastic can be converted into hydrogen gas and a type of graphene—at a profit?
This Molecule Is a Nanoscale Bulldozer
Researchers discovered that a heart-shaped molecule will jump in straight lines when given an electric jolt
Gluten’s Complex Chemistry Contributes to Delicious Baked Goods
Gluten’s unique chemistry gives foods like bread and rolls their airy, stretchy textures
Superconductor Research Is in a ‘Golden Age,’ Despite Controversy
The search for room-temperature superconductors has suffered scandalous setbacks, but physicists are optimistic about the field’s future
Hair Straighteners and Relaxers May Be Harmful to Health. Here’s How to Make Them Better
Growing evidence suggests certain hair products marketed toward Black women may be harmful to their health. Scientists, entrepreneurs and policy makers are taking steps to fix the problem