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Scientific American Magazine Vol 204 Issue 4

Scientific American Magazine

Volume 204, Issue 4

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The Economic Effects of Disarmament

The technique of "input-output" analysis is here adapted to facilitate forecasting the effect on sales and jobs of the reallocation of the funds now expended for military purposes

Wassily W. Leontief, Marvin Hoffenberg

The Parathyroid Hormone

A protein hormone that proved difficult to isolate, it acts upon bones, kidneys and gastrointestinal tract to regulate the level of calcium in the internal environment of the body

Howard Rasmussen

The Size of the Solar System

Telescopic methods leave an uncertainty of as much as 170,000 miles in the earth-sun distance. Space vehicles such as Pioneer V and the Soviet probe now headed toward Venus can help to cut the uncertainty

James B. McGuire, Eugene R. Spangler, Lem Wong

Blood-Vessel Surgery

Techniques developed largely during the past decade make it possible to repair the damage caused by several forms of cardiovascular disease and restore normal circulation

Leonard Engel, Michael E. De Bakey

The Cromwell Current

This thin ribbon of water flows east along the Equator just beneath the surface of the Pacific. Discovered only recently, it ranks as one of the greatest ocean currents

John A. Knauss


The word means "drinking by cells." Actually it is the term for a complex process whereby a cell can take in nutrients and other substances to which the cell membrane seems impermeable

Ronald C. Rustad

Ultrahigh-Speed Rotation

Centrifuges have now been made that can spin a tiny rotor 1.5 million revolutions per second. The evolution of these machines has provided instruments for a variety of scientific and technological applications

Jesse W. Beams

The Ecology of Fire

Fire has played a major role in shaping the world's grasslands and forests. Attempts to eliminate it have introduced problems fully as serious as those created by accidental conflagrations

Charles F. Cooper


Letters to the Editors, April 1961

50 and 100 Years Ago: April 1961

The Authors

Science and the Citizen: April 1961

Mathematical Games

The Amateur Scientist

