Truth, Lies & Uncertainty
Searching for reality in unreal times
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Truth, Lies & Uncertainty
Searching for reality in unreal times
The Search for Truth in Physics
How close can physics bring us to a truly fundamental understanding of the world?
Is the Mathematical World Real?
Philosophers cannot agree on whether mathematical objects exist or are pure fictions
The Neuroscience of Reality
Reality is constructed by the brain, and no two brains are exactly alike
Deception in the Animal Kingdom
Homo sapiens is not the only species that lies
How Misinformation Spreads—and Why We Trust It
The most effective misinformation starts with seeds of truth
Corruption Is Contagious
Dishonesty begets dishonesty, rapidly spreading unethical behavior through a society
How to Defraud Democracy
A worst-case cyberwarfare scenario for the 2020 American presidential election
When Assessing Novel Risks, Facts Are Not Enough
How we make decisions in the face of incomplete knowledge and uncertainty
How to Get Better at Embracing Unknowns
How to interpret uncertainty in common forms of data visualization
The Search for Social Identity Leads to ‘Us’ versus ‘Them’
Uncertainty in the world threatens our sense of self. To cope, people embrace populism
Misinformation Has Created a New World Disorder
Our willingness to share content without thinking is exploited to spread disinformation
How Professional Truth Seekers Search for Answers
Nine experts describe how they sort signal from noise