LIGO’s Latest Black-Hole Merger Confirms Einstein, Challenges Astrophysics
New results from the gravitational wave observatory hint that black holes move in mysterious ways
All you need to know about the ripples in spacetime detected by LIGO
LIGO’s Latest Black-Hole Merger Confirms Einstein, Challenges Astrophysics
New results from the gravitational wave observatory hint that black holes move in mysterious ways
Gravitational Wave Observatory Finds More Colliding Black Holes
The second confirmation of ripples in spacetime is announced by astronomers at LIGO
Gravitational Wave Scientists Astounded--by Your Interest
Caltech’s Kip Thorne and Ronald Drever and MIT’s Rainer Weiss were the founders of the LIGO experiment that detected gravitational waves. They were just awarded the Kavli Prize in Astrophysics and two of them spoke with Scientific American's Clara Moskowitz about LIGO and the public's reaction.
The Future of Gravitational Wave Astronomy
Fully opening this new window on the universe will take decades—even centuries
Gravitational Waves Found: Kip Thorne Explains
Scientific American's Josh Fischman talks with renowned astrophysicist and general relativity expert Kip Thorne about the discovery of gravitational waves by the LIGO Project, co-founded by Thorne.
Gravitational Waves Discovered from Colliding Black Holes
The LIGO experiment has confirmed Albert Einstein’s prediction of ripples in spacetime and promises to open a new era of astrophysics
Gravitational Waves Are the Ringing of Spacetime
The universe is a noisy place, but we didn’t always have the right ears to hear the sounds—until now.
How to Hunt for Gravitational Waves [Slide Show]
Various experiments seek different versions of this highly sought-after phenomenon
Gravitational Waves: 6 Cosmic Questions They Can Tackle
The discovery of ripples in spacetime will vindicate Einstein—but it can also do so much more
Why You Should Be Excited about This Week's Big LIGO Announcement
It could mark the birth of a new kind of astronomy
LIGO and Gravitational Waves: A Graphic Explanation
Infographic from Scientific American breaks down the technology behind our ongoing search for ripples in spacetime
Not All Gravitational Waves Are Created Equal
The LIGO experiment hunts for gravitational waves that are different from those sought by BICEP2. Although both types are elusive, they differ in age and strength—and come from very different places